Explore our past course offerings below.
Summer 2022:
Archiving as Social Justice Practice

Course | HUM C132 / ENVDES C132 |
Instructor | Lincoln Cushing |
Units | Humanities Studio Course (3 Units) |
Time | MWF 10 am -12 pm |
Students of this course explored how archival practices support social justice scholarship. Learn more.
Hidden in Plain Sight:
Public History in Public Space

Course | HUM 133AC (#15475) / ENVDES 113AC (#15421) / AMERSTD 110AC (#15485) |
Instructor | Catherine Covey |
Units | Lecture Course (3 Units) |
Session | Summer Session C |
Time | MWF 10 am -12 pm |
Hidden in Plain Sight explored the ways history can be illuminated or erased through urban design, museums and monuments, archives, historic preservation, heritage tourism, media, oral history, and cultural resource management. Learn more.
Spring 2022:
Tres Hornos: Earthen Ovens and Foodways of the Southwest

Instructors: Jun U. Sunseri, Ronald L. Rael, Stephanie Syjuco
This course focused on the design, construction, sustainable use, and experimental variables in archaeological feature visibility of a broadly used food technology, earthen ovens. Learn more.
Remembering Eugenics at Berkeley and in

Instructor: Susan Schweik
This course confronted the histories and legacies of eugenics close to home, at UC Berkeley, in the town of Berkeley, and in California. Learn more.
Fall 2021:
Place-Based Storytelling Techniques and Technologies

Instructor: Melody Chang
This colloquium explored techniques of place-based storytelling through a series of guest speakers who are producers of place-based storytelling projects in the Bay area. What traditional and emerging technologies do they employ to create the experiences? What lessons can we learn from their efforts to point out local histories embedded in the landscape? Learn more here.
Summer 2021:
Race, Redevelopment and Gentrification: Oakland’s Hoover Durant Library

Instructor: Lynne Horiuchi
In this course, students worked collaboratively with community members to conduct research and created products such as plans and oral histories that advance their cause. Learn more.
Public Art and Social Justice: Mapping Mural Art and Narratives

Instructor: Pablo Gonzalez
This studio course focuses on an important part of social movements: public cultural production. Learn more.
Stories of Place: Documentary filmmaking workshop

Instructor: Raymond Telles
In this documentary workshop students created a short documentary about contemporary social justice issues, a profile of an individual or organization or a video essay. Learn more.
More Past Courses:
Ghosts and Visions: Using Augmented Reality and Physical Installations to Tell History and Envision Futures

Spring 2021
Instructor: Susan Moffat
This course researched histories and used methods that include installations in public space, augmented reality, and audio storytelling to convey what was learned. The study site is an old shoreline landfill called the Albany Bulb. Learn more.
East Bay Revolution: Urban Spaces of Protest and Counterculture Practice

Spring 2020
This course delved into the history of the East Bay in the 1960s and 1970s, with particular attention to the emergence of countercultural and social-movement communities. Learn more.
New Orleans: Historical Memory and Urban Design

Spring 2019
How can a city’s past become a meaningful platform for its future? How can city planners and community organizations work to answer this question in historic neighborhoods destabilized by environmental catastrophe, gentrification, multi-scaled development and the privatization of schools and social services? Learn more.
People and Places: Memory of Cityscapes

Spring 2019
This course explored theories of home and built place, civic and aesthetic functions of urban space, collective memory and the picture-image, among other subjects. Learn more.

Fall 2018
What is the city but the people? Taking inspiration from William Shakespeare’s play “Coriolanus”, this interdisciplinary colloquium engaged questions about the humans who inhabit urban spaces. Learn more.
Siteworks: Understanding Place Through Design and Performance

Spring 2018
Using methods of urban and natural observation and experiments in performance and documentation, students sought to understand the complex space that is the Albany Bulb. Learn more.
Siteworks: Understanding Place Through Design and Performance

Spring 2018
The city is a social nexus. It binds people, things, forces, ideas together as a crossroads, grid, and network. But exactly how? And to what end? Learn more.